Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Impact Of Teachers, School Social Workers And On An...

Summary of Article The article outlines the impact of teachers, school social workers and paraprofessionals on an infant and toddler biological psychological, and social-emotional domain. According to Hutchison, an infant is a young child from birth to the first year of life. A toddler is a young child from about 12 to 36 months of age. When engaging with this target group it is important to include and educate the parents as the newborn enters a developmental niche. Hutchinson defines a developmental niche as â€Å"the cultural context into which a particular child is born; guides every aspect of the developmental process.† The developmental niches require a stream of resources, which is why child care and social services provided are†¦show more content†¦Introduction From early on, infants depend on others for basic physical and emotional needs. In this paper I will use newborn, child, and children interchangeably to refer to infants and toddlers. During the pre natal to early childhood interactions healthy factors like nutrition, family affection, and environmental safety influence the way the brain develops. For example, 4-6 month olds prefer to look at concrete familiar faces when hearing their birth mother name. (Bergelson and Swingley, 2012) This is vital for the family members, the teachers, and other adults to grasp about infants and toddlers. By investigating the physical development and socio-emotional development I aim to prove that under the life perspective theory these developmental domains regulate the behavioral expectations through infancy and toddlerhood. Physical Domain Infants and toddlers depend on others for basic physical needs. Newborns have little control over their muscles. As they grow, they develop fundamental skill form of movement. At the same time they must be fed, cleaned, and provided safety until they full develop the ability to d things for themselves. There are five sub laws related to a newborns physical domain. The first law is the importance of nutrition. A 2009 UNICEF study supports the importance of nutrition by stating â€Å"Nutritional deficiencies during the first 1,000 days of the child’s life can result in damage to the

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